From the desk of CEO, Justin Powell

There was a time when I personally knew every single person who chose to advertise with Huntington Outdoor. A year ago, that changed.

Why? We hired a VP of sales, Jena Powell. Many of you have met her and work with her, but Jena also happens to be my sister. We’ve worked together on various projects our entire life. One of the very first companies I ever started was a fruit and vegetable business. When I was 13, I asked my parents if we could expand our garden on the farm and open up a road side stand at my grandparents. They happily agreed and “Powell’s Produce” was created. We formed it as a partnership so my three younger siblings could be a part of the business. By the time I graduated high school, we were running five farmers markets, six days a week which enabled us to pay our way through college. However, this update isn’t about gardens, farms or myself; it’s about my favorite “Jena” story.

     Today, Jena is a tireless machine who works late nights and early mornings to make sure your designs are perfect and vinyls are installed in a timely, professional manner. This wasn’t always the case.  Back in our farm market days, we would wake up at 6:00 am and pick the produce we would sell the same day. Jena’s 10 year old self absolutely hated waking up early. I mean absolutely hated it. Each morning I would wake everyone up and it would usually take two or three attempts to get Jena out of bed. One day, I went to wake her and I couldn’t find her anywhere. I looked in her bed, under her bed, in the closet and in all my siblings’ rooms. She was nowhere to be found. After a while of searching, her older sister said she knew where she was, the bathtub. The night before she decided to hide in the bathtub for the night, because surely no one would look for her there!

We laugh about that story now and cherish the fun memories! When Jena and I talked about working with clients and sales of Huntington Outdoor I didn’t even blink an eye, she was hired.  As many of you can attest, Jena cares deeply about you and your company’s success. Many of you, I unfortunately, haven’t had the opportunity to personally work with, but I’m happy that you are in far more capable and talented hands than mine.

Thank you for being a great client. I hear about so many of you from Jena and she enjoys working with so many of you. We are excited and honored that you chose Huntington Outdoor. We will always honor that trust and give you the best service and value possible. If there’s anything I can do for you, I’m only a phone call away.


Justin Powell