Keep it Simple and Personable

Each time we build or buy a new billboard, we immerse ourselves in the local culture around that billboard. Eating at the local diners, shopping at the local IGA’s and enjoying the local culture enables us to know how and who to market our billboards to. We join the local Chamber of Commerce, give advertising discounts to non-profits in the area and sponsor community events. The bottom line is we get involved in the communities we work in because we want to create a legacy of helping small businesses thrive.

Here at Huntington Outdoor, we have a specific cliental we specialize in, family-owned businesses. By knowing exactly who our ideal client is we are better able to target potential advertisers. Many outdoor advertising companies target large businesses, but we realized that helping small family-owned businesses was our passion, so we target them as our ideal potential advertisers.

When we target small businesses, we keep it simple. In most small businesses, one person does all the marketing, sales, finances, etc. of the business and it is our pleasure to make billboard advertising as simple as possible for these busy business owners. Simply serving our clients and creating value for them is the overarching goal of Huntington, this is our biggest motivator to get out of bed in the morning. If you or someone you know needs our expertise in billboard advertising, please refer them to us, we would be thrilled to help them take the next step with their business.