“Our Family Business Serving Yours”
“Our family business serving yours”
They say that every company has a story that defines it. A touchstone that the founder and company look back on and say, “That’s who we are, that’s our story.” Huntington Outdoor is no exception. The company mirrors the values and character of its founder and the small Midwestern town he and his team seeks to serve. Values like patience, ingenuity, and service.
So where did we come from? Well that’s easy, where all good things come from, the farm. The founder of the company, Justin Powell, first went into business when he was 12 years old. He loved the outdoors and so he started raising produce that he and his siblings could sell from the farm and at farmers markets. Over the next eight years he grew from one road side stand in front of his grandparents’ home selling sweet corn to serving small towns and cities in all directions. It was a partnership between he and his brother and sisters. They all worked hard and got to enjoy the fruit of their labor. The lessons learned during those long hot summers was pounded into them and is the basis upon which they’ve grown and operated Huntington Outdoor.
The billboard company operates much the same way the farm markets did. It’s still a partnership between the founder and his siblings and everyone is intimately involved in the many different areas of the company. From sales to construction everyone’s involved in bringing the best possible service to our customers. Who are our customers? People just like us. Family business owners in small towns and cities who work hard to provide for themselves and their families.
We know that your business is a representation of you and your family, which is why we guard your image as carefully as you do. From choosing which billboard is just right for you, to creating a design and crafting a message we’re there for you every step of the way. You have several choices when it comes to billboard advertising, but none that are going to treat you as well and be as attentive as we are. Thank you for choosing to partner with us, we will do everything we can to live up to your trust.