Hometown Art Contest Finalist


One of the exciting and fun projects we worked on this fall was the “My Hometown Art Contest.” We believe in developing a creative mind at a young age, and this was the perfect way to get children started.  Henri Matisse said, “Creativity takes courage.” At Huntington we believe that art and creativity push young minds to excel and have confidence to try new things. The “My Hometown Art Contest” was a great way to get creativity rolling in Greene County. We were able to partner with local schools in town and have children age 5-12 create photo that represented the hometown of Xenia well. Saturday, December 10th Xenia held its Christmas festival and we had the pleasure of showcasing the students photos for the town to see!

After going through countless stacks of photos we have been able to narrow down the contestants to the top 5. Big stakes are at place because the art and winning student get to be on a local Xenia billboard !

We are absolutely thrilled to announce the winner THIS Friday!

From all of us at Huntington Outdoor to you….

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays